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In The Community

Supporting the community we live in is vitally important to us.

Through our local partnership with the Raine Medical Research Foundation we are fortunate enough to support a range of initiatives that a make a difference to the community.  Some of these include:

The Charter Hall Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar Award program that facilitates the visit of high-achieving postdoctoral research scientists who are in the early stages of their career.

Visiting scientists bring many benefits to the WA scientific community including advances in health and medicine, cross-fertilisation of skills and ideas, networking and collaboration, as well as important reciprocal exchange programs. Visiting scientists also make a significant contribution to the teaching and research programs in their specialist field of medical research.

Dr Emanuela Zannin has been awarded the first Charter Hall Postdoctoral Scholar Award for 2018 and will be visiting Perth in October this year. Dr Zannin is a biomedical engineer that looks at ways of improving biomedical technologies that help pre-term babies that are often born with respiratory problems.

Further details can be found on the Raine Foundation website.




Charter Hall’s fundraising project during the development is supporting medical research to treat children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders, such as ADHD, learning difficulties, autism and range of communication and motor disorders.

The study is led by Professor Stephen Houghton, Director of the Centre for Child and Adolescent related disorders, with his team at the University of Western Australia.

The research concentrates on identifying different scenarios and groups of kids with neurological disorders that deal with loneliness throughout metro and rural Western Australia. The research will through the development of an app, to help improve the lives of children living with Neurodevelopment disorders via a 3-D animated-interactive self-paced programme.

To make a donation or learn more about this valuable research go to